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Publications Galore!

Hello Dear Readers, I have a few publications to announce, one even in a physical book for you to hold in your hands! One, I must confess to missing the date before; Rigorous Volume 5, Issue 4. Check them out! Rigorous Direct Link: https://rigorous-mag.com/v5i4/rachel-racette.html Brain Mill Press Ab Terra Flash Fiction Issue 5: Alternate Dimensions:… Continue reading Publications Galore!

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Hello Readers, This publication is for the first issue for the online magazine Untenured. Link to website: https://www.untenured.space/current-issue Direct link to magazine: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/611d3926c87218044b5a134b/t/61ed7183a5215e5a12bb5ac6/1642951045891/untenured+1.1.pdf Thank you for reading and for your support on my little site!